Saturday, August 3, 2013

August Dreary

So it's currently the. . .third day of August, 2013. It's been nothing but clouds and mist for the past few days. I would feel like it's a reflection of my emotions, except that is a completely ridiculous notion. So let me give you the update of the summer thus far.

I started my first job (yes, my first ever job) in late June. I"m a courier. So I've been doing this for about 6ish weeks right now, and it's basically taken me this long to stop super-hating this job. I'm making decent money, I guess (everything is better than no income at all, right?). I don't know, I guess that it's just a very stressful job. trying to make deliveries all over the Portland metro area in a fixed time limit? I felt so dumb at first. but now I'm doing 11 jobs a day pretty consistently and I'm finally finding the weird places I was promised. I found a millinery today. I didn't even know they existed anymore and I found one in Portland. How cool is that?


 My youngest cousin is leaving to backpack Europe on Monday. Am I jealous? Monstrously. Can I deal with it? Most definitely. No Matter what happens Hollow and I will always be close, and I'm super excited for her to be backpacking through Europe, I just wish I could be going too. I'm still craving my adventure. I still want to just keep driving until I find somewhere better.

But it's not like the only thing I have to look forward to is dreadful days of work. Oh no! My bestest best friend in the whole world is coming back home to visit for two whole weeks! we're going to eat at a couple of food places that I have seen during work, we're going to go camping, we have so much planned that I'm not entirely sure how many days I'm going to be taking off work. I set my own hours and days, so ultimately it's fine, but less working means less cash in the bank, and that's what this summer was about: refunding my dwindling bank account.

I am going to give Hollow $100 so she can buy me magnets from all the places she goes to. I have a magnet collection, so I'm pretty excited for those. other than that I'm probably only going to buy a couple other things: a new iPod and a few DiamondCandles.

I got my old iPod a little over four years ago, and just a couple months ago, I finally filled it to the brim. it was only and 8GB nano and it took me four years to fill. I'm thinking the 160GB iPod Classic this time. That's 20x the space of my old one. so it should last me around 80 years if I fill it at the same rate. XD

the DiamondCandle is something I found pretty recently. It's a candle, with a ring inside. mostly the rings are cheap. worth $10 or something, but they have rings that range from $10-$5000. That seems like a pretty decent gift right? That's what I though too.

In case anyone forgot, I'm graduating next year! how weird right? I'm still not sure what I'll be doing once I graduate, but it's gonna be good. the best part is, there's no hurry. I have job experience now, I don't have to worry about being completely green in a tough job environment. The last job interview I did went horribly. I didn't know how to answer questions and I didn't have any experience (needless to say, I didn't get the job). but now, I feel like I could go in to a situation like that with some confidence. I know my good qualities, I know I can work hard and do what I need to do in a work environment.

After fall quarter I'll only need 25 credits. that's only 12.5 credits a quarter. about 4 of those credits will be finishing up my major, and about 10 will be finishing my minor. The other 11? That will be the hard part. I never imagined that I would have empty space. I'm not really interested in anything else we have at school. maybe I'll take skills for marriage. or a basic accounting class. who knows. maybe I'll re-take some of those classes that i didn't do so well in. . . lol. who am I kidding, that's not going to happen. if we had any sort of mythology class, I get on that in a hot second. sadly, we don't offer those types of classes, so I'll have to search for something a little more mundane. hopefully, I'll be able to find something that will keep me interested in my last quarter of college.

I'm definitely going to be submitting some more essays and stories to Manastash, so look forward to updates about that, and maybe some sneak peeks.

I guess that's it for now. There's only 6 more weeks of summer. where has the time gone?

May your adventure be long and your journey be pleasant.
Have a good second half of your summer!