Okay, so for the longest time I've been all "no, I'm probably never gonna get an e-reader. It's hard on my eyes to look at a lit up screen for a long time and I like paper books, you know?" but I have books on my computer that I read and it's getting so inconvenient to have to sit at my desk when I want to read them. Especially because oftentimes I'll sit and I'll read them until I finish. That's a long time to sit at my desk! sometimes 8 hours. that's hard on me in the first place since I prefer to read in bed. There's nothing I like more than a free day in bed where I can just read all day and finish a couple of books.
But when I only have the books I want to read on my computer, I have no choice but to spend my entire weekend at my desk. let me tell you, it's hard on my back and my eyes. I've had to resort to wearing my glasses when I have to be on the computer. It stinks.
And the worst part is that I KNOW there are no real reasons for me to be reluctant to get an e-reader. I'm just so into real books that I feel like I'm betraying them, which is a ridiculous notion. If I got an e-reader it wouldn't mean that I love paper books any less, I would just have more options for my reading. I could read any book. literally. any. book. now, I can only read books I can find, which let me tell you is becoming fewer and fewer.
My bookshelf is going to shun me.
I'm going to wake up one morning and it will have turned completely around to face the wall. It will feel betrayed and I will feel horrible.
But I just want to read my Goddamned books in bed. Why is this a big deal?
I don't know but I feel sick just thinking about getting an e-reader. but I really think that one will make my reading life better.
Anyway. I'm done with this weird rant thing. I'm gonna ask for a kindle paperwhite for my birthday. I'm gonna feel terrible and I'm gonna gain a bunch of weight by drowning those feelings in rootbeer (or Dr Pepper) and whiskey. and probably some form of chocolate.
and I'm gonna read my Percy Jackson books in bed and no body will be able to do a god damned thing to stop me.
Alright. Bye.
I hope your bookshelf shuns you you need to get out more. Go to the student union and join a club! LOL I say this only because you need to laugh more, live more, and experience more.