Monday, April 1, 2013


The sun is shining and I'm feeling good! It's 72 degrees today. I don't really know what happened this weekend, so I'm sorry for anyone who read the last post. It probably didn't make much sense anyway, but that's how I get from time to time. usually its way less crazy and more homesick. for some reason my mind wanted to go into full out crazy mode for a couple days.

In any case, I've spent most of today smiling and laughing. at books, at my teachers, at random thoughts I have. My technical writing professor even congratulated me on having a story be accepted into Manastash. I guess he is one of the advisers or something. Yes, My classes are going to be hard this quarter. and maybe I shouldn't have gotten 18 credits, but I feel like I can do it, ya know? on sunny days like today, I feel invincible.

My next class is my 3 hour(!) writing for editing and publication class. It's only on Mondays so I guess it's not too bad. but seriously, 3 hours. Normally, the first class is just a syllabus day, and maybe a quick intro to the topic . for some of the longer classes, teachers have you go a little bit into the work, maybe do a couple introductory exercises. But I have a feeling that we're actually going to be doing work today. :( When you only have like 9 or so class sessions you don't often waste the first just going over the syllabus, right?

I like the teacher, though so that's good.

I actually really like all my classes thus far. I can't say about writing for editing and publication as of yet (cause we haven't had our first class yet) but I do think I'll end up liking it too, especially because I'm aiming to be an editor. My classes all seem like they'll be pretty challenging, but I guess that's to be expected because I'm a junior.

Oh my gosh! I just realized my junior year is almost over! when I'm not breaking down from stress, it's hard to contain my excitement. 5 years ago, I didn't think I would graduate High school. now here I am, almost graduating college. what a weird set of circumstances, right? It's weird too look back and see how I got to the places I am.

Anyway, I have to go to class soon, so I'll end this here.
I hope your day was as sunny, and lovely, and filled with laughter as mine was! :D

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