Sunday, February 24, 2013

I'm a procrastinator.

It's terrible, but here we are.
I put absolutely everything off until the last minute.
Take right now for instance, I have a group meeting that I have to go to tomorrow to put together our group paper for communications class. have I started on my section? no I have not. Have I thought about starting it? several times. but because it's difficult to write about and "I have LOADS of time. If I can't write 2 paragraphs in my 5 hours of free time before I have to go to the meeting tomorrow, I'm doing something wrong."

I always have some excuse for not doing things right away. 

And it's not even just difficult things that I procrastinate on. I have a portfolio due in my fiction writing class next week. I find fiction difficult, but right now it's pretty simple cause I pretty much just have to revise. but have I even started it yet? no. of course I haven't. Cause I'm a terrible procrastinator.

Sometimes, it's not even work that I procrastinate on. sometimes, I just don't eat cause I'm too lazy to make food. who procrastinates on eating? this is madness!

Anyways, I'm really stressing out about this paper. But I'm still not going to write it yet.

Maybe I'll get my act in gear soon. probably not.



  1. Technically, that makes you an amazing procrastinator since you do it so well =P
